Other game and puzzle material (John)
This page hosts further puzzles and observations. Material on orthodox knight's tours is on the Chess Variants page.
Corrections and clarifications
A note on Driving the Old Woman to Bed (reporting work by Brayden Casella, February 2024)
Sundry observations
On the taking of penalties (December 2022)
A note on a puzzle by Boothroyd and Conway (reporting an observation by Megi Rychlíková, March 2023)
Notes on a puzzle by Conway and O'Beirne (November/December 2016)
Some thoughts on the Playfair cypher (March 2017)
Some 18th century books on mathematical recreations (October 1992)
The cosmetics of puzzles (November 2016)
Reminiscences of a puzzle enthusiast (May 2018)
A few puzzles of my own (perhaps)
An ultimate railway shunting problem (after Dudeney, May 2018)
The cow, the horse, and the sheep (after Loyd, revised May 2018)
Bridge : a dummy reversal on a 7-2 fit (September 2011, note added August 2015)
A few lightweight puzzles and curiosities (latest revision May 2018)
Complementary tours on four-branch networks (May/June 2023)
A class of self-complementary four-move leaper tours with horizontal symmetry (March 2023)
A class of four-move leaper tours self-complementary by diagonal reflection (March 2023)
A class of complementary four-move leaper tours with horizontal or rotational symmetry (March 2023)
Self-complementary five-leaper tours with rotational symmetry (August 2010, see Variant Chess 64, page 232)
51 flights of chess fancy (interlude and chapters 8/10)
Tom Marlow (March 2017)
For material on Orthodox Chess, Chess Variants, and Peg Solitaire, see separate pages.
George Jelliss's The Games and Puzzles Journal is now on his "Mayhematics" site www.mayhematics.com.