51 flights of chess fancy

These notes relate to the second edition (October 2022), which is obtainable from Chess & Bridge, 44 Baker Street, London W1U 7RT, www.chess.co.uk. For the first edition, which is available on-line, click here. The differences are not great, but example 3.3 has been replaced, Chapter 9 rewritten, and the presentation of example 6.5 significantly altered, and there have been various changes to the notes and commentary. And, of course, a book properly printed and bound is much more pleasant to read than a set of separate pages printed off from the Internet.

There are a few typos and minor errors. In the note to 6.2, it should have been mentioned that Noam Elkies has produced an elegant non-joke version of this (see Variant Chess 63, page 170); in the note to 1.15, "two or three years ago" was correct when the first edition was written, but should have been updated to "many years later" for the new edition; in the note to 1.16, "1.16a" should be "1.16" both times; in the note to 6.1, "Ciassa's Fairy Tales" should be "Caissa's Fairy Tales"; on the back cover, in line 8, "word" should be "world". Please report any others.