This site was originally created in order to provide a home for British Endgame Study News (see page "Orthodox Chess", item "Endgame studies"), but as time goes on we are finding further uses for it. Its primary purpose is to allow the downloading and display of PDF files, and we have assumed that the user has a connection which will permit the downloading of files of up to 5Mb, together with a copy of the free Adobe Reader program which will permit the files to be displayed, printed, and saved.

Some of these files have been obtained by scanning, others by using a PDF creation utility supplied to us with Word 7 and running on a Windows XP machine. Files of the latter kind are shorter and normally give a higher quality of printing, but we have found that what appears on the paper is not always what we had intended to appear. No doubt the fault lies at our end, but as yet we have been unable to identify and correct it. If it seems to you that a file which you have downloaded appears to be incorrect, please tell us, and we will try to provide a scanned replacement or other alternative. Please tell us also if it seems to you that the contents of this site may have become corrupted, or if a link to another site appears no longer to be operative.

We have asked our heirs and family successors to keep this site in being as long as it appears to be serving a useful purpose, we shall be asking the British Library to include it on the list of sites which it archives, and we understand that there is a "Wayback" site which archives sites automatically and permits their subsequent retrieval. Even so, the permanence of what appears here cannot be guaranteed. If you find something on this site that interests you, download your own copy while it is still here.

To contact us, e-mail Sue or John, or write to us at the address below.

John and Sue Beasley
7 St James Road
Herts AL5 4NX
GB - England.